P:04 Preparing for a baby in the Pandemic.

Berrytree India
2 min readMar 3, 2021
babies in the pandemic

So, the pandemic is here, its been here for a while, and we don’t think its going anywhere soon. About time we learn to live with it. Even if the whole world gets vaccinated (highly unlikely, even if so, its going to take decades), its going to be a tricky spot for all of us. Who knows, someone will eat another non-edible animal and bring down the world again.

Living with the pandemic also means that you grow and start doing all normal things you’d do otherwise. Like planning a family. If you’re ready to take that step, we’re here to guide you. Regular discussions with moms and expecting parents have enabled us to sort of outline a few points that you may follow. Feel free to add whatever you want, this list is in no way exhaustive and is just an idea of what you should expect and what you should do to welcome your baby in an easier way during the pandemic.

  1. Stay in: We can’t stress on how important it is to stay in during your pregnancy. Especially during the first three months. Make sure that all your immediate family members are taking as many precautions as possible. The expecting mother should definitely stay in and not step out unless it is to meet the doctor or get her regular ultra-sounds. The infection is still out there and it can catch you.
  2. Sanitize: Yes, the government has relaxed a few norms, but that doesn’t mean that everything is back to normal. Make sure you still sanitize everything that comes in contact with the expecting mom and make sure she is protected all the time.
  3. Order Healthy: Eventually, the cravings will start to kick in. Make sure whatever you order, you order from a nice hygienic place and not a street side vendor. Prefer packaged stuff like packed paneer over open paneer that’s available in all the markets. Also, Sanitize.
  4. Buy Organic: Today everything is easily available at a click of a button. Get online and look for organic things you can buy. You can now get organic clothes, organic vegetables, organic fruits and organic oils.
  5. Read: Like you read this blog, read more blogs and find out what other parents are going through. Know their experiences and understand how they are preparing. You’ll get great ideas.

Finally, as we always say. Have Fun! Nothing is more important than a smile.



Berrytree India

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